Assignment #8

#1: The discovery of Spindletop was vital in the success in Texas’ economy. It was important because it created jobs and also vast wealth, far unknown to anything Texas had seen before.

#2: “Abandoning the Lost Cause” was an important event because the society in Texas was finally getting over their “old roots,” per say. They were starting to modernize economically and socially. Finally they were starting to accept participation from the National government instead of their “isolationist” type mentality that was so abundant in the philosophy of their government (state wise.)

#3: The 1900 hurricane that hit Galvest0n is important (in a bad way but still important) because it showed that even after a city was wiped out, people could still come together to improve their city with the help of the elitist control of the rebuilding.

#4: Educational reform helped change the future of the youth. With the improvement of the quality and the teachers qualifications, this helped create higher educational opportunities for the youth among Texas.

#5: Prison reforms were vital for minorities (especially women) because they segregated the facilities from men and women. Also the health was drastically improved which is well deserved because they are still human beings, not animals.

#6: The improvement of roads was probably underrated in terms of importance because the automobile companies would only grow and even nowadays this still relates because there is still improvement needed on roads.

#7: The conversation of trees and attempt of reforestation was important for the environment. The timber companies were pretty much unregulated up til this point so it was vital that someone or a governmental identity comes in and tells them they need to calm down, they don’t need that much wood.

#8: World War 1 changed the economic landscape because it actually created new jobs of course, as well as bringing change such as prohibition efforts that would soon be taken into effect.




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